

2024-2025 Wellesley Club Officers and Directors

President: Stephen Murphy                 Vice President: Melissa Martin

Secretary: Andrea Ward                       Treasurer: Cathy Taylor

Directors: Andrew Ferrer, Neal Goins, Sharon Gray, Emily Shanahan

Curator: Salvatore DeFazio III


2023-2024 Wellesley Club Officers and Directors

Photo taken by Bob Brown (May 16, 2023, Officers and Directors’ Dinner)

Front Row, L to R: Salvatore DeFazio III, KC Kato, Emily Shanahan, Sara Shanahan, Melissa Martin, Majorie Freiman, Neal Goins; Back Row: Tripp Sheehan, Stephen Murphy, Arthur Garrity, Femina Ali.


President: Sara Jane Shanahan           Vice President: Majorie Freiman

Secretary: Emily Shanahan                   Treasurer: KC Kato

Directors: Tripp Sheehan, Stephen Murphy, Melissa Martin, Neal Goins

Curator: Salvatore DeFazio III


2022-2023 Wellesley Club Officers and Directors

President:  Arthur Garrity                      Vice President:  Sara Jane Shanahan

Secretary:  Emily Shanahan                   Treasurer:  KC Kato

Directors:  Femina Ali, Marjorie Freiman, Stephen Murphy, Tripp Sheehan

Curator:  Salvatore DeFazio III

2021-2022 Wellesley Club Officers and Directors

President:  Ilissa Povich                       Vice President:  Arthur Garrity

Secretary:  Emily Shanahan                Treasurer:  KC Kato

Directors:  Femina Ali, Ellen Gibbs, Sara Jane Shanahan, Tripp Sheehan

Curator:  Salvatore DeFazio III

2020-2021 Wellesley Club Officers and Directors

President:  Dale Edmunds                  Vice President:  Ilissa Povich

Secretary:  Emily Shanahan               Treasurer:  KC Kato

Directors:  Femina Ali, Arthur Garrity, Ellen Gibbs, Sara Jane Shanahan

Curator:  Salvatore DeFazio III

2019-2020 Wellesley Club Officers and Directors

Wellesley Club 2019-20 O & D ()


Front Row L to R: Dale Edmunds, KC Kato, Ann Rappaport, Ellen Gibbs. Back Row: Arthur Garrity, Peter Cory, Vincent Spoto, Salvatore Defazio III.

President:  Ann W. Rappaport                  Vice President:  Dale C. Edmunds

Secretary:  Peter F. Cory                             Treasurer:  KC Cato

Directors:  Arthur Garrity, Ellen Gibbs, Ilissa Povich, Vincent Spoto

Curator:  Salvatore DeFazio III

2018-2019 Wellesley Club Officers and Directors


Front Row L to R: Ilissa Povich, KC Kato, Barbara McMahon, Salvatore Defazio III, Dale Edmunds. Back Row: Ann Rappaport, James F. Klocke, Peter Cory, Vincent Spoto.

President:  James F. Klocke                    Vice President:  Ann W. Rappaport

Secretary:  Peter F. Cory

Treasurer:  KC Cato (to be confirmed at the October 1, 2018 dinner meeting)

Directors:  Dale Edmunds, Barbara McMahon, Ilissa Povich, Vincent Spoto

Curator:  Salvatore DeFazio III

2017-2018 Wellesley Club Officers and Directors

WCPortrait2017smFront Row L to R; Sara Jane Shanahan, Barbara McMahon, Katheleen F. Nagle, Suzanne G. Littlefield. Back Row; James F. Klocke, Salvatore Defazio III, Ann Rappaport, Paul W. Criswell.


Wellesley Club Past Presidents – 125th Anniversary Celebration on October 6th, 2014

Past President of the Wellesley Club

Front Row, L to R; Tony Parker, Roger Perry, Joe Grignaffini, John McConchie, Rusty Kellogg. Second Row; Joe Avellone, Sandy Avellone, Pat Palmer, Barbara Shanahan, David Walsh. Third Row; Kathy Macdonald, Owen Dugan, Gig Babson, Jim Stokes. Back Row; Chris Milton, Al Robinson, Sid Farnsworth, Chris Gorgone, Tom Fontaine, Barry Monahan, David Himmelberger.